Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Whatever happened to the 105 Northeast Ohio Tim Hortons?

I was reviewing a geocache in NE Ohio this morning and saw this from the aerial, an open field proclaiming the site of a Tim Hortons.  Shockingly this one appears to have been built.  As for my travels in NE Ohio, I've yet to see any of the 105.  I used to be a big supporter of the Canadian chain.  Their lack of support for my home area has led me to mostly ignore them everywhere.  The final straw was seeing one down the road from my hotel in Apodaca.  Really, who would eat donuts at 100 degrees?

The blank space in the map where Tim Hortons well represents the lousy push into the market.  I could give them a pass for COVID, but they announced their "plans" in 2017.

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