Hmmm... "sit" on a downed trunk in the woods. The instruction is actually posted as part of a bow hunting competition that was set up in an area where we were hiking, but it does make for a funny find in the woods.
Hehehe... with the new computerized 911 systems, every street, alley, country road... is getting named, some of the names are quite strange. This is one of those. At least I was able to find the ice cream :-)
Between 1939 and 1959 the Purinton Pottery Company was located in Shippensville, Pennsylvania and manufactured hand-painted pottery. This cute bear in front of the post office celebrates the memory of Purinton.
As we approached this, Ali said it looked like a marshmallow tree. We were glad the locals thought enough of this crater to create the marshmallow tree to warn drivers. The hole would swallow our little ute. We had no idea how the locals with big trucks got around this monster.
I'm not sure this one has the approval of the Postmaster General. Still it was the only 'mailbox' at this drive. I wonder if it is still used as a minnow bucket on fishing days?
This sign was posted near a park where I was geocaching. The interesting thing is that the nearest ball diamond is about 400 feet from the road. Maybe they need to work on control as well as speed? ;-)